Sunday 8 July 2018

Everythg that you see in the everythg that you ever tried to be!!

Things change and so do people!

They forget they once were a baby
and that they've learnt this big word called universe
it was not natural....never
they even needed a hand to hold
they were taught the language.....thats how they interact now!
thats how they show.............emotions!

what we are today is everything we ...
felt right to do !

When I look back from where I am
I feel things were too simple to do!
may it be that first stage performance
the board exams....
that office presentation....
getting married....
becoming a mother......etc etc ...
nothing was ever so BIG as I thought it...
what made those things fearsome...difficult
that it was my first time...!

Situations change
but the change they bring in us...
is for our betterment....
What I learnt is .................
I can strive for my betterself...
I can go that extra mile.....and enjoy the view
I can just be in the moment....and be a part of it
and no one can stop me....from  being me!