Monday 10 October 2016

We can bring a change

"This is nuisance on the roads!"
I shout so easily looking at the jam!
I get down and walk
I take a few steps more..
And there is litter on the turns!
"What the hell is this now!"
I shout again as if I own the roads...the streets..
As if I clean them everyday!
Its easy angry...
Easy to blame
Easy to yell at someone
But it takes alot to bring a change!
To believe in the good
To trust others
Still, I think it is someone's job!
And yes it is!
It is the job of the people....!
Because we dont own the roads... they belong to us!
WE THE PEOPLE - is one of the most powerful word

Saturday 6 August 2016

Life's treasure is people not things 😊😊😊😊

Wednesday 13 April 2016

My Blue

Once there lived a little mountain sparrow
which grew into a handsome blue bird.
Birds named him "BLUE"
because his wings looked like a piece of sky !
nobody knew his family,
all they knew was - He was so different!


Blue always flew in a flock,
untill the day...................
he wished to explore the BIG SKY !
In the cold breeze......
he went higher and higher
to witness a little sunshine
filtering through the clouds...
the baby leaves....opening their eyes...
multiple flowers.....blooming together
just then a snow flake ran down his blue wing.....
the next moment it was lost !
as if something that never was !
he felt divine !

Now that became a routine for Blue.
He rested on a cloud,
sang songs that felt divine ;)
greeted even the passersby...

One day, his favorite cloud turned grey
there was no place to rest or stay.
he realized it was water dropping time
it was not safe to stay....
what made it difficult was
the thunder that played games.
Blue could hardly manage to come down
when it got struck by one!
He now lay on the mud,
The piece of sky.......BLUE is wounded .....on the ground....!

There was still something in him alive,
The blue wings that still had life..!
so they flapped ....and flapped
and lifted him up....
higher and higher,they took him up !
when came out all the birds
on hearing the loud flapping sound.....
they saw something that they could not believe!
there was no BLUE in sight
only blue feathers above and down....
Every feather had an address so unique
where Blue had .....built nests...... for each !
Like the snowflake ........a piece of the sky
felt heavenly......but was lost in a while!
so was BLUE .........a piece of the sky !

Tuesday 5 April 2016

The Happiness Rule !

Give the best you can......only if you want to give without getting
because no one has promised to return your BEST....!

There may be ten thousand reasons to feel weak and give up
but just one reason to feel better......a FAMILY !

One more step :)

Oh what a joy is each passing day !
for a day you cannot wait to live !

people say the journey is beautiful,
more beautiful than the thing itself.

It is very hard to say
sometimes the road is tough,
it can break you down...
so badly...that you give up......
the dream of that special DAY !

OR should you wait and check out
if the shoes you are in...
is what makes the road difficult to stay,
so take a break....
brush your fingers in the air
breathe out what is breaking you down!
believe in the reason
that made you stay .......till date !

Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. 
They quit on the one yard line.

I found this in my drafts. Its quite an old piece. 

Thursday 3 March 2016

I crave for you

Flowers....of every colour...
Yes ! a special day it was.
yet I craved for your voice.
I know presence is not everything
I believe love does not need words...or a form
Still I need one........

I know you are there....more than always
yet I wish to see you.
I know you are safe...
yet I wish to hear from you.
I know you will take care,
yet I want to care for you.
I want to be what I am to you !

I never write things that make me feel low......
but this moment I have you in my eyes....
this time.......
I crave for you !

Friday 12 February 2016

He Teaches Me Something New - No. 1

I lift him up...then down
on the bed, he lay
he doesn't know where he is !
he doesn't care who is beside...!
all he to sleep
to poo
to smile....and to cry !
and WE ?
we are like that box at home T.V !
which has a button to switch ON and OFF
we get up and the show starts
with the sleepy night, the show ends!
when it is time to die
we remember...what we din't do !
what we could have !

Dear friend...
there is nothing permanent in this life
what you have today,
may not stay long.
what you long for ,
may not make you as happy as you think!
Fine clothes and dining are temporary
Search your true happiness
and let it stay....grow with it !
feel satisfied to have it !
and when its time...
let it fly :)

Saturday 16 January 2016

Time is flowing by :)

I saw a baby today !
it made me feel I'm growing old.......not an old & tired one
but yes older than yesterday....older day by day.
there were things I thought I'll do when I graduated
things I thought I'll do when I received my first salary !
and yes to be honest I did very little !

we read books....articles...quotes
about things to do before one dies.
but very few....actually do!
and I want to be in those FEW
I want to live all of it and everything I dare to dream!

because I know......that you too know
there may be a second chance to gain what you lost
but the time won't be the same!
or may be won't be the same !