Wednesday 13 April 2016

My Blue

Once there lived a little mountain sparrow
which grew into a handsome blue bird.
Birds named him "BLUE"
because his wings looked like a piece of sky !
nobody knew his family,
all they knew was - He was so different!


Blue always flew in a flock,
untill the day...................
he wished to explore the BIG SKY !
In the cold breeze......
he went higher and higher
to witness a little sunshine
filtering through the clouds...
the baby leaves....opening their eyes...
multiple flowers.....blooming together
just then a snow flake ran down his blue wing.....
the next moment it was lost !
as if something that never was !
he felt divine !

Now that became a routine for Blue.
He rested on a cloud,
sang songs that felt divine ;)
greeted even the passersby...

One day, his favorite cloud turned grey
there was no place to rest or stay.
he realized it was water dropping time
it was not safe to stay....
what made it difficult was
the thunder that played games.
Blue could hardly manage to come down
when it got struck by one!
He now lay on the mud,
The piece of sky.......BLUE is wounded .....on the ground....!

There was still something in him alive,
The blue wings that still had life..!
so they flapped ....and flapped
and lifted him up....
higher and higher,they took him up !
when came out all the birds
on hearing the loud flapping sound.....
they saw something that they could not believe!
there was no BLUE in sight
only blue feathers above and down....
Every feather had an address so unique
where Blue had .....built nests...... for each !
Like the snowflake ........a piece of the sky
felt heavenly......but was lost in a while!
so was BLUE .........a piece of the sky !

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