Thursday 16 April 2020

The 5 AC

This is surely my first article I am writing about something important I read in a book I recently read - 
The 5 AM club - by Robin Sharma.

It is the habit of rising early. Something that honestly I don't follow as of now!
though I have heard this since my childhood days that rising early multiplies ones energy, helps one to plan the day and most importantly it is a good habit to have a routine. It is the hour of least distraction, highest human glory and greatest peace.
I was convinced with this even as a child but somewhere I was casual with my approach or not firm on following a routine.

Personally, I found the 20/20/20 model in the book very helpful. It states that when you get up at 5:00, you plan your next one hour in three slots i.e. first 20 minutes of relentless exercise, next 20 minutes of self meditation, and last 20 minutes in self motivation via audio books/reading or should be spent in planning. When I read it I found it something very simple, but as I started working on it, it made me feel the magic of the 20/20/20 rule. We all do exercise, meditation or planning but it is not a conscious routine with which our - Mindset, Healthset, Soulset or Heartset is tuned to. These are the four areas which affect us when we plan. We basically revolve around these. It is so important to feed them everyday to make sure our motivational and satisfaction giving harmones are generated well, which inturn make us happy and keep us charged.

Robin Sharma highlighted the use of technology, rather one should say the dependence on the excessive use of gadgets, like checking the messages, updates etc. It is like keeping oneself busy with things that are not helping us improve our productivity. The geniuses spent their hours in practice! and yet one can argue that a little shopping on some application makes me happy, boosts my mood, it is NOT so. It might satisfy you by keeping you busy but it is not adding to your four core areas that are health, mind, soul and heart. Famous personalities spend their time in polishing their talents which were ofcourse not inherent or god gifted. Even if someone was, still he had to work on it to make it suitable for the environment which is so dynamic. Furthermore, the book states a time when you rise and when you sleep to be technology free to boost your Melotonin - thats the harmone triggered to tell you - You are sleepy now!

One thing that I will carry with me is the HGH - Human Growth Harmone! we must have seen - it is not the mind that ages, it is the body ! To fool the body or keep it in shape, we workout everyday! So basically when we physically push our body 25% of the HGH is produced! and the rest is produced when we sleep ! Yes ! When we sleep and our brain is filling with the ten thousand thoughts and is at rest, it releases 75% of the HGH that we really need. The book states sleeping less or more - both harm the aging harmone and we in a way invite death because of this habit of ours. To make sure we have the right hours of sleep, atleast 7 and a half hours of sleep should be given to the body, not more not less.

Last but not the least - the book states wonderful sayings of well known personalities from different fields. Their saying out of their experience that is something money can't buy.

### My purpose of writing here is I believe making notes for self more than anything else.

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