Friday 30 August 2024

Song time

This has been my favourite since I was little. 


Tuesday 27 August 2024

#4 How we met!

The phone beeped 

It was his text

He wrote - " I like you"

And he added - that's all I always meant!

What should I have felt?

Happy? Excited?

I just felt numb. 

I did admit then, 

he was the perfect person

Someone with whom I was me...

He was nice...really nice 

Taking care of every single thing.

I must have been in a shell

Thus, I never thought beyond....

Maybe I gave up hope and was fine with anything that would come my way...

yet this person entered without asking!

 He was right there....coming my way

Making me afraid of coming too close !

I really felt something


An emotion...I didn't understand

Will it hurt? Will it make me sad? Will things turn right? I had no idea.....

I don't know what made me trust him and I wanted to take a step forward !

Without hesitation...

I called....said let's meet

And the next day...
We Met !

Friday 23 August 2024

Live in the moment

 I chased some memories today

checked on some people from the past too
I can't really think of a good reason why I did so..
Have I become too modest!
Or it doesn't cost to be nice!

I think because even if I am very patient
I can't really wait!
Wait to rectify....wait to speak my heart
And wait to regret in the future.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Thankyou friend :)

You hear me out....
Don't judge ...don't stop...
You were with me
Even when you had to dine out :)
Friends surely are people
One counts on!
And I count on you
For being so wonderful:)
If success makes you happy
May you succeed everyday !

Saturday 3 August 2024

About me

 I don't remember since when did I start being like this....

When tired..... bored....or dead sick....
I still behave as a fighter
I don't give up.

Even when everything around is a mess...
I turn emotionless and just start over :)
I actually do that
Somedays I really wish to be angry...and mourn and behave like a kid....but that's too tiring to even think...forget about behaving like that...

I don't remember a single thing that I gave up recently....
Yes there were things I chose to not persue....things where I made a mature choice of letting go.....or may be situations where I acted too practical unlike the younger me......!

But today if someone will ask me
Do I regret anything.....when I look back!
The answer will be NOTHING
I am thankful to the simple me
For being optimist....
And for trusting God's plans.

God story of you is surely way too beautiful than your plans.